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Taking Impact Investment to
the Next Level

Investing in projects for the sake of humanity, are financially sustainable, and benefit the nation in which the project exists as the primary beneficiary.


There is a high level of exchange between our projects in our various sectors. Wherever possible we seek to leverage our industries to serve each other where possible - some call this vertically integrated or integrated value.



We primarily serve the companies we invest in. We work with our executive teams to ensure strong and stable businesses. We have a clear process for on-ramping new projects, acquisitions or mergers.

Analytics & Insights

Our analysts and consultants are primarily internally focused and focused on strengthening our family of companies. They take the lead on all new projects, acquisitions and mergers.

Development & Finance

We manage the relationship with private investors and lenders. We provide support to these teams to engage in new projects and opportunities in the countries we work in.


Join one of our Teams

We are always looking for good people for our head office in Calgary and for a range of our projects in Alberta, Canada, the US, India and Africa.

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